In this issue:


HR Management

Salary Index 2009

Family Friendly
Employment Practices

Making an Employee Redundant

Payroll Outsourcing

Personnel Leasing

Statutory Holidays in 2009:

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Corporate Training

The Focus

Public Seminar

Case Analyzes

Credit Management

AR Assessment Tool

Cost of Bad Debt

What Should We Do

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Making An Employee Redundant
Written by Ada Lai

If this happens, you must not only follow a fair redundancy dismissal procedure, but also keep the affected employees - informed.

You should take reasonable steps to avoid compulsory redundancies by considering alternatives, such as:

Effective planning can lead to better job security for employees and it can avoid short-term solutions not suited to the long-term needs of your business.

How to help redundant employees

People who have worked for many years in the same job or workplace can find redundancy a traumatic experience - even if they have received a redundancy payment above the legal minimum.

Where possible, you should try to find ways of helping employees come to terms with their situation. The practical and financial help you offer will of course depend on the size of your business and the seniority of any employee being made redundant.

For collective redundancy consultation, please call 2110 7588 Ada Lai, Operations Manager of Innovative Human Resources Outsourcing Partners Limited